Secrets to Obtain Your First Job as an HGV Driver
Getting your first HGV driving job can be a difficult thing. Just like any job interview, there are many things to learn and a lot of stakes involved. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it! HGV drivers are still in high demand, and recently qualified drivers are starting to become like gold dust. At HGV Training Services (HGVT), we help people just like you to get qualified and ready for their first HGV job, providing helpful interview tips with a friendly nudge in the right direction. Today, we have a few points to assist you to make the most of your interviews for an HGV role.
Set a Good First Impression
At the interview stage, it’s essential that you are completely prepared and well turned out. You had expected to drive a clean and tidy motor, so appear clean and tidy yourself. Personal hygiene is important and although the boss doesn’t want a beauty parade, it’s not acceptable to wear dirty or torn clothes or a T-shirt with an offensive or lewd design. Some companies offer uniforms to drivers but a lot don’t. If you arrive for an interview looking like a mess, wearing something that is not looking professional with the company image then it may affect your image and the whole process of interview. But think that if you are showing your best impression at the interview then your image will probably get better.
Brush Up Your English Skills
During the process of applying for a job, you’re going to have to do some writing and reading. From filling in an application form to a short written assessment, in-person interview or verbal assessment, you are required to present good English skills from the start to the end. So before you start applying, practise to write a few paragraphs and ensure your handwriting is clear and readable, your English is good and that you can put together a decent paragraph. After all, your boss will hope you are able to fill out paperwork like delivery information, end of day reports or accident report forms clearly and briefly. So while your English and grammar do not have to be flawless, it does need to be easily understood.
Think Before You Speak
We are all guilty of opening our mouths before we engage our brains from time to time. Most of the time, it is harmless and we can just laugh it off and move on. But when it comes to a job interview, it’s much more difficult to recover from. Before you go for any interview, ask a friend or family member to help you prepare with some questions. By rehearsing the interview process you can practise thinking before you speak, helping you make a better first impression.
Be Prepared
Prepare in advance of the interview and think about the common questions you are likely to get asked, or what you may be checked on (like Tacho rules). Have some answers already prepared in your mind. Don’t overestimate your driving experience otherwise on your first assignment you’ll not come up to the companies’ expectations and that would be a big disappointment for the boss. But equally don’t do yourself down, if you’ve done well on your driving test with only a few (or even no) minor points that you can show on your driving pass certificate.
Get Your Licence
But of course, the most important part of nailing your first job as an HGV driver is to get your HGV licence. If you didn’t have a licence, it’s going to be much harder for you to find a job. Most companies don’t want to train a driver in-house, particularly when there are drivers ready and waiting to fill that space. There are an enormous number of HGV courses out there to help you obtain your basic licence and Driver CPC, along with any licence upgrades you might require. If you’re ready to wait and get the right licences, you can land a much better job when you begin hunting.
Could you be an ambassador?
Remember to show kindness and consideration. Several companies are now seeing their drivers as their ambassadors. Drivers are the public face of the company. It’s essential that your politeness and effectiveness comes across during the interview as this will go a long way to creating a good impression as Customer Care for most companies. This is equally as important as to get the right goods, to the right place and in the right time.
At HGV Training Services (HGVT), we help drivers just like you get on the ladder to a career in HGV driving. We offer a wide range of HGV training courses, from Cat C Licence to Driver CPC training. Our expert trainers are on hand to guide you through the process, train you to drive safely and understand the theory elements of your exams. Once you have got your licence, we even help you to find the right role for you by placing you into companies that are looking for qualified HGV drivers just like you.